It is just so beautiful..*sniffle* brings a tear to my eye =')
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Blast it to the back row!!!!
I cannot contain my enthusiasm because yesterday i got the most beautiful slips of paper in the mail, I'm a senior so obviously first guess would OMG YOU GOT YOUR COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES!!!!! No, i mean yeah i would be happy but this is in a whole different plain. I just got my concert tickets to my all time favorite band, My Chemical Romance. The band that i stayed up till midnight for live streaming concerts (they were on the pacific coast) and organized my t.v and homework schedule for to see music video releases and interviews. I will be having the pleasure of singing along with Gerard Way in person instead of a mere recording onto a disc and then digitized onto my ipod. I will be going deaf from shear awesomeness. Unfortunately this concert is in April, and that's kinda a wait. But my excitement can only grow =]
It is just so beautiful..*sniffle* brings a tear to my eye =')
It is just so beautiful..*sniffle* brings a tear to my eye =')
Okay so one of my top favorite speeches is from Pirate Radio but do to technical difficulties i couldn't post it here as an actual video...and the fact that it drops the f-bomb (only once!) and im not sure if thats aloud in the speech we choose for a class assignment, and its from a movie as a radio broadcast so i'm not sure it qualifies...BUT if all was right with the world this is the link to the speech i would have used----> click for a clip of a speech from an AWESOME movie, Pirate radio . SO just in case that might not work out here is a speech i've always liked, it made me feel proud to be an american and thats saying something since i'm Canadian. Here you go folks, the presidents speech from the movie Independence Day
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
When asked to pick a word for an assignmnet, i thought, well pick one of my favorite, plethora. Then i got the assignment and realized...not plethora. Pick a word and come up with as many sysnonyms as possible. This is a sample of ten words from the list i created. These are words i beleive are sysnomatic...synonymic? with tmy chosen word Annoy. (not in order of thought)
1. Vex
Vex is a verb that means to irritate, provoke, trouble. to disturb by motion, tostir up. I had made it a note to remember this word from middle school vocabulary and has helped me win numerous games of hangman. It sprouts from the early 15 centry Middle French verb, vexer which translates to "to attack, harras, trouble."
2. Perturb
Perturb is a verb, suprise. It means to distube or disquiet the mind. Its probably from 14 c old french, steming from purterber which is from the latin word perturbare meaning to confuse, disoder or disturb.
3. Prod
Prod as a verb is the act of poking or jabbing with something pointed. Prodding can mean to arouse or incite as if by poking. Also nag or goad. Prod probably came as a varriation of the Middle English word brodden meaning to goad.
4. Irk
Noun, just kidding VERB meaning to irritate, annoy or exasperate. Old word hailing from 1300-50 Middle English originally seen as Irken, to grow tired. I find it personaly humurous because in an old cartoon i used to watch, Invader Zim, his species were Irken from planet Irk. It was very fitting for the tenactious yet unfortunate invader. As human being still roam the earth freely its clear he has not accomplished his mission.
5. Pester
I'll give you three guesses on its part of it? i hope so. It is a verb meaning to bother persistantly with petty annoyance. Or maybe even possibly mean to overcrowd. Also may relate to the Middle french word empester meanint to place in an embarrassing situation. It seems the french have a lot of ways to say annoying...
6. Peeve
V-v-v-v-verb. To render peevish, annoy. 1905-10 Americanism. Pet peeves anyone? Mine includes driving with the window down on the highway, too loud and way obnoxious.
7. frustrate
drum roll please.ddadadadadaddadadaaa Verb! Changing it up here, it means to make plans or efforts (or things of the like) worthless or of no avail. To dissapoint, thwart, hinder or prevent. Its 1450 late middle english.
8. bother
Verrrrrrrrrrrrb. To gove trouble to, to annoy, pester, confuse or bewilder. Middle english again.
9. irritate
Verbbbbbbb. To excite to impatients or anger. Latin irratare-excite provoke.
10. harass
Ver, to disturb persistantly, torment, bother continually, harry (not as is potter by the way). Origin is french or middle french from the ver harasser.
1. Vex
Vex is a verb that means to irritate, provoke, trouble. to disturb by motion, tostir up. I had made it a note to remember this word from middle school vocabulary and has helped me win numerous games of hangman. It sprouts from the early 15 centry Middle French verb, vexer which translates to "to attack, harras, trouble."
2. Perturb
Perturb is a verb, suprise. It means to distube or disquiet the mind. Its probably from 14 c old french, steming from purterber which is from the latin word perturbare meaning to confuse, disoder or disturb.
3. Prod
Prod as a verb is the act of poking or jabbing with something pointed. Prodding can mean to arouse or incite as if by poking. Also nag or goad. Prod probably came as a varriation of the Middle English word brodden meaning to goad.
4. Irk
Noun, just kidding VERB meaning to irritate, annoy or exasperate. Old word hailing from 1300-50 Middle English originally seen as Irken, to grow tired. I find it personaly humurous because in an old cartoon i used to watch, Invader Zim, his species were Irken from planet Irk. It was very fitting for the tenactious yet unfortunate invader. As human being still roam the earth freely its clear he has not accomplished his mission.
5. Pester
I'll give you three guesses on its part of it? i hope so. It is a verb meaning to bother persistantly with petty annoyance. Or maybe even possibly mean to overcrowd. Also may relate to the Middle french word empester meanint to place in an embarrassing situation. It seems the french have a lot of ways to say annoying...
6. Peeve
V-v-v-v-verb. To render peevish, annoy. 1905-10 Americanism. Pet peeves anyone? Mine includes driving with the window down on the highway, too loud and way obnoxious.
7. frustrate
drum roll please.ddadadadadaddadadaaa Verb! Changing it up here, it means to make plans or efforts (or things of the like) worthless or of no avail. To dissapoint, thwart, hinder or prevent. Its 1450 late middle english.
8. bother
Verrrrrrrrrrrrb. To gove trouble to, to annoy, pester, confuse or bewilder. Middle english again.
9. irritate
Verbbbbbbb. To excite to impatients or anger. Latin irratare-excite provoke.
10. harass
Ver, to disturb persistantly, torment, bother continually, harry (not as is potter by the way). Origin is french or middle french from the ver harasser.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tis The Season
Yep, this is gonna be a holiday blog. I promise to try not to be overtly boring or too Dear Blosh-ish. Its just barely December, and while i was seriously lacking the seasonal spirit, today i found it again. I just finished watching the Polar Express. This has probably become my all time favorite Christmas movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it. Seriously, right now. I won't even hold it against you if you leave this page right now and use some illegal source on the Internet that is streaming this bundle of holiday joy.
My lacking of holiday spirit was around the days of our first snow storm and the melting thereof (I'm not sure if that's the correct grammatical approach of the word thereof or is it there of? there-of? ..but i digress). And then i began to get the fear that, what if its not gonna be a White Christmas? You know, sleigh bells ringing and children playing and stuff? That's the one. Pfft Stupid. It started snowing this afternoon, and still is. I would know, i was just outside. At 10 o'clock. I happened to flip some outside lights on and saw that, yep still snowing. And then before i descended to the lonesome semi-basement (Its ground level on one side) to hop on the computer i realized the sign that i put up (half-ass-ily...can i use profanity?) was still lieing flat from when it fell over...probably moments after i put it up. It was red and in white letters proclaimed "Winter Wonderland". I rushed to the coat closet and dawned a jacket, a scarf and some boots. And then when i made the discovery that all the gloves i owned were actually novelty mittens (a pair of meese (mooses) and one pair of Canada Olympic mittens) i had to pull the tags off a pair of brand new water proof gloves. I opened the from door and was greeted with a gust of cold air. I left the door semi-open because of the instant new phobia of being locked out and then explaing to my parents the silly reason. I hopped over to where i assumed the sign was and started digging. I finally found. And, in uffish thought i stood, came to the conclusion that it was freaking cold out. There was no way that this sign was going into the grownd. So i tried anyway, duh, and was unssuccesful.
At this point i i thought, defeat. Just claim defeat. But alas at the end of my driveway was a snow pile tall enough. Never have I wanted a sled more in my life (Now at this point your thinking...wait, what? since when were you ever talking about sleds? Well stop being one of those who assume that people are just not inteligent and finish the sentence or next couple of sentences and give the writer the benefit of the doubt *end rant*). My driveway happens to be a monster of a hill, and its not a long driveway either. And by monster of a hill i mean steep. Steep like that if you try to back out at full speed you'll probably destroy your bumper, or like watching the Pirate (My step dad, he has a fake leg, but that will be another post or not, i don't wanna use real names on here) try to put his car into the garage on the most iciest day in my life, was just hilarious, steep as in when my dog ran out on that same icy day, we almost lost her to the bottom of the hill. I would have loved to sled down this hill to get to the snow pile. But no i walked and then stuck it in so it hit the harder snow nearer the bottom. On my back inside i decided to take a detour, and took a couple steps into my front yard and then fell onto my back. I stared up at the sky as snow fell lightly around me, tickling my face and causing some serious discomfort to my eyes. I started waving my arms and legs got up and headed back inside. (And for those who don't get the implication their, i made a snow angel).
My jeans are still damp.
Lets see, so i decided to start decorating, I'll be trying to get the tree up and done tomorrow. To my dismay when i went to the back room for Christmas boxes only about to of the six there were decorations. The rest were gifts. My mom likes to buy gifts in bulk. Yup, gifts in bulk, not food like other mothers, presents. I only have to actually go shopping for half of my friends, otherwise my storage room is like a Marshals store. Anyhow, this means that the rest of the Christmas stuff is in the garage. Which means box splunking. Which i haven't done since the great migration of this clan from Maine to Minn 3 1/2 years prior. Joy.
SO wishing everyone a happy snow fall and safe driving, because I'm guessing like half of the population in the area will at some point end up in a ditch or in an up-close-and-personal situation with another car. Enjoy.
My lacking of holiday spirit was around the days of our first snow storm and the melting thereof (I'm not sure if that's the correct grammatical approach of the word thereof or is it there of? there-of? ..but i digress). And then i began to get the fear that, what if its not gonna be a White Christmas? You know, sleigh bells ringing and children playing and stuff? That's the one. Pfft Stupid. It started snowing this afternoon, and still is. I would know, i was just outside. At 10 o'clock. I happened to flip some outside lights on and saw that, yep still snowing. And then before i descended to the lonesome semi-basement (Its ground level on one side) to hop on the computer i realized the sign that i put up (half-ass-ily...can i use profanity?) was still lieing flat from when it fell over...probably moments after i put it up. It was red and in white letters proclaimed "Winter Wonderland". I rushed to the coat closet and dawned a jacket, a scarf and some boots. And then when i made the discovery that all the gloves i owned were actually novelty mittens (a pair of meese (mooses) and one pair of Canada Olympic mittens) i had to pull the tags off a pair of brand new water proof gloves. I opened the from door and was greeted with a gust of cold air. I left the door semi-open because of the instant new phobia of being locked out and then explaing to my parents the silly reason. I hopped over to where i assumed the sign was and started digging. I finally found. And, in uffish thought i stood, came to the conclusion that it was freaking cold out. There was no way that this sign was going into the grownd. So i tried anyway, duh, and was unssuccesful.
At this point i i thought, defeat. Just claim defeat. But alas at the end of my driveway was a snow pile tall enough. Never have I wanted a sled more in my life (Now at this point your thinking...wait, what? since when were you ever talking about sleds? Well stop being one of those who assume that people are just not inteligent and finish the sentence or next couple of sentences and give the writer the benefit of the doubt *end rant*). My driveway happens to be a monster of a hill, and its not a long driveway either. And by monster of a hill i mean steep. Steep like that if you try to back out at full speed you'll probably destroy your bumper, or like watching the Pirate (My step dad, he has a fake leg, but that will be another post or not, i don't wanna use real names on here) try to put his car into the garage on the most iciest day in my life, was just hilarious, steep as in when my dog ran out on that same icy day, we almost lost her to the bottom of the hill. I would have loved to sled down this hill to get to the snow pile. But no i walked and then stuck it in so it hit the harder snow nearer the bottom. On my back inside i decided to take a detour, and took a couple steps into my front yard and then fell onto my back. I stared up at the sky as snow fell lightly around me, tickling my face and causing some serious discomfort to my eyes. I started waving my arms and legs got up and headed back inside. (And for those who don't get the implication their, i made a snow angel).
My jeans are still damp.
Lets see, so i decided to start decorating, I'll be trying to get the tree up and done tomorrow. To my dismay when i went to the back room for Christmas boxes only about to of the six there were decorations. The rest were gifts. My mom likes to buy gifts in bulk. Yup, gifts in bulk, not food like other mothers, presents. I only have to actually go shopping for half of my friends, otherwise my storage room is like a Marshals store. Anyhow, this means that the rest of the Christmas stuff is in the garage. Which means box splunking. Which i haven't done since the great migration of this clan from Maine to Minn 3 1/2 years prior. Joy.
SO wishing everyone a happy snow fall and safe driving, because I'm guessing like half of the population in the area will at some point end up in a ditch or in an up-close-and-personal situation with another car. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Modes of Anger
Each paragraph is a different mode. Mrs, Cardona's blog lists them. See if you can label them. Answers will be posted thursday. P.S i may come back and add to some later.
For instance, anger can cause a lapse in judgment. I unfortunatly did not judge correctly the amount of pressure and shaking that would happen if the bathroom door was slammed. That lapse and slam had caused a part of the ceiling light ficture to crash down and shatter on the counter. This was unintended and would have been avoided if there was some rationale and the door was simply closed properly. However anger can be used as a motivator. Before every rugby match our coach addresses the team and tells us to get mad, get angry. In accordance i become mad, i become angry. That feeling of rage is reserved for the oponents, no one else. It creates a sudden spark of energy and i use that to become more aware, run faster and tackle much harder.
His jaw clenched and his face went rigid. Small veins did not seem so small anymore as they buldge with the sudden rise in blood pressure. His entire body seemed to contract as his hands went from limp and idle to fists full of restraint and anticipation. His flairing nostrils compliment the wild look in his eyes. He took a step forward to approach the causation. Though the step had only been a few inches it seemed like the running start of a predator. The change from human to something else was so pronounced. It was just a creature made of the strong breakthrough flow of emotion that had began simmering at the start of the conversation. The red of the lava boiling within seemed to reach his face as it took on a new pinkish shade. Never had the rosy hugh looked more deadly.
cause and effect
Rage is the result of increasing frustration caused from provocation of events that are unpleasent to a person. This provocation is different for every individuel and is very dependent. Events that precede the eruption of rage are ussually the initial cause. Rage can be immidiate or have a steady incline starting at annoyance and or frustration. The effect of rage many a time results in the loss of common and logical thinking however it is possible for a person to continue to use restraint and possibly dampen this initial spurt of emotion.
When we think of anger and rage we think of negativitiy, yelling, screaming, physical brutality, revenge, irrational thinking and oh-my-gosh-im-going-to-kill-you sistuations. While this is true anger and rage can used to atvantage for possitive outcomes. Anger with others or oneself can be a great motivator to acheive higher. Rage in physical sports can push people into a fighting spirit and to keep going.
The feeling is familiar, starting in the pit of my stomach and expanding the boundaries of my ribcage o the point it is a physical feeling and impossible to be unaware. It spreads to my limbs willing them to release. The conversation could certainly have gone better. My thoughts are no longer idle undertones but rancorous proclamations of irrationale sugjestions and bitter sarcastic remarks. I stalk out of the room clenching my fists. My steps are stiff and hard, on the brink of stomping yet quick. My teeth clench down and i contract my muscles putting a strain in my neck and torso causing inner tremmors. Leaving was the only option.
Do not surpress your anger. People have always said take a deep breath and let it go, but its not always so simple. Now this is not to say to strike out at people violently or even verbally, however holding it in is not always the best way. Surpressing strong emotions can cause them to boil over, maybe even cause physical pain. People should find a healthy way to release anger within bounderies. If you try to completely supress anger it can ruin the res of your day. I propose that a few could methods is to vent it out with a good listener, actually write that angry letter (sans sending it), get a squeeze ball or go for a run. Work out all the pent of energy that anger can create. Letting out this emotion can ultimatly help make you feel better the rest of the day, it can dampen the frustration to the point that you can converse rationaly.
Anger is a feeling everyone has felt at some point. It has various levels and effects. It is a reaction to situations that are displeasing. It is the reaction to the argument that went south, the grade you thought you did not deserve, the disregard of your opinion and the person who just plain annoys you to that thin braeking point. Anger is one of the strong emotions that people have the ability to feel.
Division of Analysis
Anger is a strong feeling full of impulses, rage, yelling and irrational judgement that can lead to regrets, revenge and sometimes satisfaction. It does not always involve good sence, it is just emotion that involves an individual and his or her own thoughts. It does not have to be rational.
process analysis
Anger can be an increasing emotion following a patter. It can start at annoyance and frustration and icrease towards rage and blind fury. It is probably for there to be a leap into pure rage, given the situation. Ussually we get a sense of annoyance, maybe with a person or a problem that needs solving. The annoyance then moves on to frustration when the person continues the annoying action or problem cannot be solved agfter thinking about it. This increases to a general anger, why is this person not stopping? why can't i solve this problem? At this stage a person may either try to suppress it, walk away depeleating the metion to frustration or try to let it out of there system through minor physical motions. While some try to ride it out, only increasing to rage and may lash out at the person (verbally or physically) or attempt to completely eliminate the problem through irrational judgement (i.e ripping up apper or breaking things)
comparison and contrast
The difference between anger and hate may not seem obvious on the surface, while anger may be an asociated response the the hating of an individual or object the relationship is not complimentary. Is is possible to be angry with someone and not feel hate. Anger can also be a fleeting response emtionw hile hate is ussually deeper and consistant. Anger is ussually abstrac and related to the individual. You can hate math but the anger comes from the frustration of not being able to solve it, not the subject of math itself. Anger and hate can be felt for the same thing but anger is not always a controlable response and can vanish as quickly as it came on.
For instance, anger can cause a lapse in judgment. I unfortunatly did not judge correctly the amount of pressure and shaking that would happen if the bathroom door was slammed. That lapse and slam had caused a part of the ceiling light ficture to crash down and shatter on the counter. This was unintended and would have been avoided if there was some rationale and the door was simply closed properly. However anger can be used as a motivator. Before every rugby match our coach addresses the team and tells us to get mad, get angry. In accordance i become mad, i become angry. That feeling of rage is reserved for the oponents, no one else. It creates a sudden spark of energy and i use that to become more aware, run faster and tackle much harder.
His jaw clenched and his face went rigid. Small veins did not seem so small anymore as they buldge with the sudden rise in blood pressure. His entire body seemed to contract as his hands went from limp and idle to fists full of restraint and anticipation. His flairing nostrils compliment the wild look in his eyes. He took a step forward to approach the causation. Though the step had only been a few inches it seemed like the running start of a predator. The change from human to something else was so pronounced. It was just a creature made of the strong breakthrough flow of emotion that had began simmering at the start of the conversation. The red of the lava boiling within seemed to reach his face as it took on a new pinkish shade. Never had the rosy hugh looked more deadly.
cause and effect
Rage is the result of increasing frustration caused from provocation of events that are unpleasent to a person. This provocation is different for every individuel and is very dependent. Events that precede the eruption of rage are ussually the initial cause. Rage can be immidiate or have a steady incline starting at annoyance and or frustration. The effect of rage many a time results in the loss of common and logical thinking however it is possible for a person to continue to use restraint and possibly dampen this initial spurt of emotion.
When we think of anger and rage we think of negativitiy, yelling, screaming, physical brutality, revenge, irrational thinking and oh-my-gosh-im-going-to-kill-you sistuations. While this is true anger and rage can used to atvantage for possitive outcomes. Anger with others or oneself can be a great motivator to acheive higher. Rage in physical sports can push people into a fighting spirit and to keep going.
The feeling is familiar, starting in the pit of my stomach and expanding the boundaries of my ribcage o the point it is a physical feeling and impossible to be unaware. It spreads to my limbs willing them to release. The conversation could certainly have gone better. My thoughts are no longer idle undertones but rancorous proclamations of irrationale sugjestions and bitter sarcastic remarks. I stalk out of the room clenching my fists. My steps are stiff and hard, on the brink of stomping yet quick. My teeth clench down and i contract my muscles putting a strain in my neck and torso causing inner tremmors. Leaving was the only option.
Do not surpress your anger. People have always said take a deep breath and let it go, but its not always so simple. Now this is not to say to strike out at people violently or even verbally, however holding it in is not always the best way. Surpressing strong emotions can cause them to boil over, maybe even cause physical pain. People should find a healthy way to release anger within bounderies. If you try to completely supress anger it can ruin the res of your day. I propose that a few could methods is to vent it out with a good listener, actually write that angry letter (sans sending it), get a squeeze ball or go for a run. Work out all the pent of energy that anger can create. Letting out this emotion can ultimatly help make you feel better the rest of the day, it can dampen the frustration to the point that you can converse rationaly.
Anger is a feeling everyone has felt at some point. It has various levels and effects. It is a reaction to situations that are displeasing. It is the reaction to the argument that went south, the grade you thought you did not deserve, the disregard of your opinion and the person who just plain annoys you to that thin braeking point. Anger is one of the strong emotions that people have the ability to feel.
Division of Analysis
Anger is a strong feeling full of impulses, rage, yelling and irrational judgement that can lead to regrets, revenge and sometimes satisfaction. It does not always involve good sence, it is just emotion that involves an individual and his or her own thoughts. It does not have to be rational.
process analysis
Anger can be an increasing emotion following a patter. It can start at annoyance and frustration and icrease towards rage and blind fury. It is probably for there to be a leap into pure rage, given the situation. Ussually we get a sense of annoyance, maybe with a person or a problem that needs solving. The annoyance then moves on to frustration when the person continues the annoying action or problem cannot be solved agfter thinking about it. This increases to a general anger, why is this person not stopping? why can't i solve this problem? At this stage a person may either try to suppress it, walk away depeleating the metion to frustration or try to let it out of there system through minor physical motions. While some try to ride it out, only increasing to rage and may lash out at the person (verbally or physically) or attempt to completely eliminate the problem through irrational judgement (i.e ripping up apper or breaking things)
comparison and contrast
The difference between anger and hate may not seem obvious on the surface, while anger may be an asociated response the the hating of an individual or object the relationship is not complimentary. Is is possible to be angry with someone and not feel hate. Anger can also be a fleeting response emtionw hile hate is ussually deeper and consistant. Anger is ussually abstrac and related to the individual. You can hate math but the anger comes from the frustration of not being able to solve it, not the subject of math itself. Anger and hate can be felt for the same thing but anger is not always a controlable response and can vanish as quickly as it came on.
Monday, October 25, 2010
My Modern Problems
What i am going to address in this post is personal opinion, it may not even be rational or logical. There are of course arguements against what i have to say. These are my rants. I could only pick a few for time and space sake. There are of course a plethora of topics but i will only be touching recent ones.
MoPro. This class is required when i see no reason it should be. There are plenty of other classes that i could take and learn how to write a collegiate (spelling?) paper. Every other friday we have an issue discussion on a current topic. I am forced to take two terms out of my last year of high school, terms i could use for classes i would like to take and would possibly relate to my post-high school interests in order to talk about the news. The news which is avalable all the time on the computer and the television. I am wastewing my time learning about the news. I should be able to choose to learn what i want from the news, not vote on a topic and be forced to do research on something that is only relevent for a certain time in that class. Currently we are learning about econimics. When my high school offers several econimcs classes as options, such as micro and macro, it does not matter. Because we are forced to learn them any way. If i was even slightly remotely interested in economics then i should be able to CHOOSE to learn about it. Modern Problems are all about disscusion. It is completely opinionated, i beleive life in general has tought me that there are many differing opinions and solutions for subjects, not MoPro. My last test had me label whether ideas are deomocrat or republican. I have no beleif in politics, but i am forced to learn about the views of different polital parties in the u.s. Does this sound suspicious even the slightest to anyone else? I am forced to learn the views of political parties. The only thing i can remember from that unit is that on some sort graph communism falls in the lower left quadrant. Yeah helpful information for later in life, really it is. If i needed another social studies credit than why could i not just take some other class? History of u.s military? anything? I do not even care about the paper, i'll write the paper in my free time and just turn it in but to sit there day after day to spend the first 20 minutes of class talking about this news? Count me out. And of course talking about politics and econimics (micro and macro by the way). Are there not like 70 clubs and classes for people who care about that? I could be taking another literature class, or writing class. I wanted to take marine biology. I can't. Because of Modern Problems taking up space in my schedual. Maybe i would have found my true calling in marine bilogy, give it a try before i head off to college. But no, i am sitting in a class as we discuss what we will be discussing on our next friday issue discussion. I'll write you your part one through four but please don't make me sit through another discussion on health care.
Girls. Leggings were never, and i do mean never, meant to replace pants. Leggings are not pants. And i cannot really express myself so let me emphasize, LEGGINGS. ARE. NOT. PANTS. They are much like tights. Skin tight and meant to be worn under something. So all you girls wearing regular old shirts with basically a thicker form of tights, please, just stop. Get a pair of skin tight pants if you truly, really want to show off what the shape of your bottom half would look like without real clothes distorting the natural shape.
(DISCLAIMER: jeggings, jean-leggings, are a different story, though descretion is advised)
One-uppers its your turn. No i do not care if your day was worse or if you stayed up 2 more hours than me and got less sleep. I was not telling you about my not-so-splended day so you could rebutle with an even-more-not-so-splended story. If i ask how your day was, then tell me. And if you are trying to one-up a story about something good? well that is just flat out rude. Be happy for the person, don't make them feel like their experience was less than yours. I mean really.
There are of course many other things i could post on here. But i feel like some of them may be too mean and too specific of people, which i would not want to personaly upset, especialy on a school assignment over the internet. Alas this brings me to the conclusion of my post. maybe i will post other rants (in spare time as apposed to assigned). Until next time. Merry meet and merry meet again (HOS refence =)
*not spell or gramar checked.
MoPro. This class is required when i see no reason it should be. There are plenty of other classes that i could take and learn how to write a collegiate (spelling?) paper. Every other friday we have an issue discussion on a current topic. I am forced to take two terms out of my last year of high school, terms i could use for classes i would like to take and would possibly relate to my post-high school interests in order to talk about the news. The news which is avalable all the time on the computer and the television. I am wastewing my time learning about the news. I should be able to choose to learn what i want from the news, not vote on a topic and be forced to do research on something that is only relevent for a certain time in that class. Currently we are learning about econimics. When my high school offers several econimcs classes as options, such as micro and macro, it does not matter. Because we are forced to learn them any way. If i was even slightly remotely interested in economics then i should be able to CHOOSE to learn about it. Modern Problems are all about disscusion. It is completely opinionated, i beleive life in general has tought me that there are many differing opinions and solutions for subjects, not MoPro. My last test had me label whether ideas are deomocrat or republican. I have no beleif in politics, but i am forced to learn about the views of different polital parties in the u.s. Does this sound suspicious even the slightest to anyone else? I am forced to learn the views of political parties. The only thing i can remember from that unit is that on some sort graph communism falls in the lower left quadrant. Yeah helpful information for later in life, really it is. If i needed another social studies credit than why could i not just take some other class? History of u.s military? anything? I do not even care about the paper, i'll write the paper in my free time and just turn it in but to sit there day after day to spend the first 20 minutes of class talking about this news? Count me out. And of course talking about politics and econimics (micro and macro by the way). Are there not like 70 clubs and classes for people who care about that? I could be taking another literature class, or writing class. I wanted to take marine biology. I can't. Because of Modern Problems taking up space in my schedual. Maybe i would have found my true calling in marine bilogy, give it a try before i head off to college. But no, i am sitting in a class as we discuss what we will be discussing on our next friday issue discussion. I'll write you your part one through four but please don't make me sit through another discussion on health care.
Girls. Leggings were never, and i do mean never, meant to replace pants. Leggings are not pants. And i cannot really express myself so let me emphasize, LEGGINGS. ARE. NOT. PANTS. They are much like tights. Skin tight and meant to be worn under something. So all you girls wearing regular old shirts with basically a thicker form of tights, please, just stop. Get a pair of skin tight pants if you truly, really want to show off what the shape of your bottom half would look like without real clothes distorting the natural shape.
(DISCLAIMER: jeggings, jean-leggings, are a different story, though descretion is advised)
One-uppers its your turn. No i do not care if your day was worse or if you stayed up 2 more hours than me and got less sleep. I was not telling you about my not-so-splended day so you could rebutle with an even-more-not-so-splended story. If i ask how your day was, then tell me. And if you are trying to one-up a story about something good? well that is just flat out rude. Be happy for the person, don't make them feel like their experience was less than yours. I mean really.
There are of course many other things i could post on here. But i feel like some of them may be too mean and too specific of people, which i would not want to personaly upset, especialy on a school assignment over the internet. Alas this brings me to the conclusion of my post. maybe i will post other rants (in spare time as apposed to assigned). Until next time. Merry meet and merry meet again (HOS refence =)
*not spell or gramar checked.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Noam Chompksi did I get this right?
Noam Chompski is above my level of understanding, i beleive or maybe he is above my level of interest, either way both hindered my ability to comprehend all the information that was given to me from the video on the projector. The satement that i was able to derive from the interviews is that the media is in control of our information and thus can manipulate us and how we think. This was a contraversal topic, the movie pointed out, though i honestly cannot beleive why. Of course i beleive the media controls the information we receive. Flip on the television or open a magazine or web page, this is all media. This is where i will get my news on the minors safe retreival, what the democrats and republicans did wrong and what Lady Gaga wore to any given public place. Is it possible that there is something big going on in the otherside of the world that i have no knowledge about? Of course! And it is entirely reasonable for this to be happening. However i am not quite as upset by this. If i was really interested I like to beleive I could delve deeper and find the information I am looking for. I do not expect the media to tell me everything. The media will express popular and probably biased views. This is how it works. The film indicated that people in the media are given countless, or a least quite a lot of information every day. They must decide what is importat and what they will put out and how they will phrase it. This presents bias of course, anyone could come o that conclusion.
Chompkins also talked about consession (note that my spelling of the actual word may be completely wrong and i expect it is) is also a way of media manipulation. This is the fact that media, like television speakers and word writers are only given a limited space, whether in air time or magazine space. This may not be enough time to get the point across that was intended. And because there is not enough time to relay notions with depth they instead end up using that valuble time to vomit up statements and facts that every one already understands or is aware of. This i beleive is true, but i beleive it may be overzelous to call this outright manipulation, there is only a certain amount of time or space avalabe, you do with it what you can. Reporters are of course another story. Any one who watches the Colbert Report like i do understand the difficulties of getting a point across when an interviewer is trying to make their own poit as well.
Here is a blogger who athinks there is media manipulation through people journalists trying to get more readers by doing only popular stories, stories that will attract readers. Oddly enough his name is Foremski...Chompksi, get it? Is this a new form of Media Manipulation?
Chompkins also talked about consession (note that my spelling of the actual word may be completely wrong and i expect it is) is also a way of media manipulation. This is the fact that media, like television speakers and word writers are only given a limited space, whether in air time or magazine space. This may not be enough time to get the point across that was intended. And because there is not enough time to relay notions with depth they instead end up using that valuble time to vomit up statements and facts that every one already understands or is aware of. This i beleive is true, but i beleive it may be overzelous to call this outright manipulation, there is only a certain amount of time or space avalabe, you do with it what you can. Reporters are of course another story. Any one who watches the Colbert Report like i do understand the difficulties of getting a point across when an interviewer is trying to make their own poit as well.
Here is a blogger who athinks there is media manipulation through people journalists trying to get more readers by doing only popular stories, stories that will attract readers. Oddly enough his name is Foremski...Chompksi, get it? Is this a new form of Media Manipulation?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
An Ode to the Band Room
White brick walls and your curtains of blue
Full of chairs and doodled on music stands too
Three walls are lined with cages to keep our instruments safe when we are away
Soon to have their innards emptied at fourth block the next day.
The floor is all scuffed from our marching band shoes
And a few minny black streamers left over from the plumes.
We would not dare to sit on the ground
Manely because of the exsitence of spit valves.
An abboned, coffee filled pottery mug sits on the counter next to the mirror
While its entirly possible its been there since last year.
Two windows for two offices next to the door
One window filled with letters from the bandies who graduated the year before.
The cupboards are plastered with pictures from trips of the past
Europe, Orlando and Madison bringing us great memories that will last.
While this is just a room at the end of the hall
Its the place to find band kids, the coolest kids of all.
Uber cheesy, but i could not think of anything else to write at the moment. Didn't wanna do a diary thing so yeah. This is unedited, there are parts i don't like but just take it for what it is i guess =p
Full of chairs and doodled on music stands too
Three walls are lined with cages to keep our instruments safe when we are away
Soon to have their innards emptied at fourth block the next day.
The floor is all scuffed from our marching band shoes
And a few minny black streamers left over from the plumes.
We would not dare to sit on the ground
Manely because of the exsitence of spit valves.
An abboned, coffee filled pottery mug sits on the counter next to the mirror
While its entirly possible its been there since last year.
Two windows for two offices next to the door
One window filled with letters from the bandies who graduated the year before.
The cupboards are plastered with pictures from trips of the past
Europe, Orlando and Madison bringing us great memories that will last.
While this is just a room at the end of the hall
Its the place to find band kids, the coolest kids of all.
Uber cheesy, but i could not think of anything else to write at the moment. Didn't wanna do a diary thing so yeah. This is unedited, there are parts i don't like but just take it for what it is i guess =p
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Blind Leap and Tackle
Throughout middle school and high school I racked up a substantial amount of activities. These ranged from volunteering, yearbook committee, symphonic and marching band as well as interest clubs. Many to do with arts and simple tasks. My sports record can be compiled of what I have done in required gym class and soccer and tee-ball teams offered at the local YMCA for elementary students.
When I decided I wanted to join a sport in the midst of high school it seemed easy. There was a plethora of sports options offered to high school students. However the lists of sports also had words pertaining to try outs, varsity, J.V and meeting time requirements. It was enough to intimidate and discourage. All of these teams had dreams of state competition championships, there was no room for a girl who could offer no experience and no trophies. Let alone skills. So the dream died until a card in the mail changed that. The card was a double sided post-card type and only had enough information to tell you where to get more information. It was a invitation to join the Wayzata Girls Rugby Club. I had never seen a game. I could only imagine it was very similar to football. I knew it for the roughness. But the little sentence on the card that caught my eye and ultimately made my decision was “no experience required”. How could I deny an opportunity that no other sport was offering?
Needless to say, the parents of non-athletic girl were not too thrilled. It took enough convincing for the parents to even attend the informational meeting. Being at the meeting made it real. I was doing this. It was happening and I was going to make it happen. The risk was there and so was the thrill of being a part of something. A team, a club of girls who were doing something that was not expected, that was harsh and raw. I refused to let intimidating health forms and medical release forms get me down. This was going to happen.
The next day at school, I was telling friends about my new found decision and watching their reaction, savoring their surprise. However, there was discouragement. It seemed to outweigh the encouraging. People here and there were telling me how I would be broken, literally. Hyperbolic scenarios of death were the new trending conversation topic. No one was taking it seriously. As the actual date for the first practice was drawing nearer, nervousness grabbed my stomach. There were so many things I had jumped into with enthusiasm that never actually ended up on a list of completed accomplishments. Was this the fate of my rugby career too? Backing out was in my mind being examined and then chewed out. This was going to happen.
The night before the first practice came fast and the argument that night with my parents was loud but productive. I got the papers signed. With parents and myself milling over the potential problems the health release form hinted at, I waited anxiously.
I walked into the dome for practice and that is where I spent many weeks running, throwing, catching and tackling. There were days I went home in pain and self-doubts of being able to handle this. How would I ever be able to tackle in a real game? How would I be able to get tackled in a real game? As the weeks went on my comfort level grew as well as my skills. And when that day came and the referee blew the starting whistle I took my first running step and never looked back. The repeated impacts and the breathlessness of it all was thrilling. We only won a single game that first season. Unfortunately I did experience an injury. A broken nose nonetheless, excluding me from finals. Joining the toughest possible sport that I could pick was one of the greatest risks I have taken. The fear was gone and replaced with anguish at not being able to finish out the season in the sport I had come to love.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Cellar Door
This is why i write. I am sitting at my computer with the hum of the fan and my desk lamp, lacking a lamp shade, is burning my retnas. The televison is whispering dialog and even though i cannot make out the words it is essential, that noise, that lack of silence. To rid the nothingness. Even though my cluttered desk is offering a plethora of distractions I am focused on my task. For the most part because i never learned "home row" that well in elementry school and so my eyes are fixed to the key board as i type. This is my Writng, my naration. When i choose to truly enertaint my thoughts, give them real attention, it will become narration, dialogue. It will become plot. And while a girl is sitting at her desk writing an assignment there are castles taken under seige somewhere and secrets being uncovered and interesting things are happening to interesting characters. With all of this going on there are words being strung together describing the images. The words put together into such an order that beauty could be presented to the mind. Other minds. And then that beauty will become images. And other people will be able to see that amazing story unfold in front of them.
Orwell has said that one motive an author writes is Sheer Egoism. "Desire to seem clever, to be talked about..." I write without a pen. Everyday, whether in a review sesion, a long car ride, a lull in the conversation. I am writing without my pen to paper without my hands to keys. My mind is scrolling out words quickly to keep up with the images. If i choose to put they words into the visual world of other people, i do it with intent on others reading it. Of others enjoying it. Of others being able to share that thought, that fantasy. I am not sure if i would consider that true egoism, but what is a writer without his or her audience? And of course it is a plus if the audience would have possitive notions of the peice. And compliments are always nice =]. I am not saying the only reason to write is for other people. Some people write for themselves. To have that thought exist tangably, to exist in reality in its own way. I suppose i agree with that too.
Some of my writing is for myself, like notes to remember. Some is for others, to be praised like school work. Some is written with the intent of others being able to feel a certain emotion, to imprint on a reader in some way. Some times its a game of Mr. Destiney. I write for pleasure and work. But sometimes that turn work into something bearable. When it comes to writing my ideas compare and contrast with themself consantly. Is this the messege i want? Is this how i want it worded? Will they like it? Will this impress them? Do i like it? There is so much thought that goes into writing yet there are so many great peices that have no deep thought at all.
I write because i choose to, and when i am asked to. I write with pens and key boards. I write with images and emotions. This is why i write.
P.s-Title, Donnie Darko. Watch It.
Orwell has said that one motive an author writes is Sheer Egoism. "Desire to seem clever, to be talked about..." I write without a pen. Everyday, whether in a review sesion, a long car ride, a lull in the conversation. I am writing without my pen to paper without my hands to keys. My mind is scrolling out words quickly to keep up with the images. If i choose to put they words into the visual world of other people, i do it with intent on others reading it. Of others enjoying it. Of others being able to share that thought, that fantasy. I am not sure if i would consider that true egoism, but what is a writer without his or her audience? And of course it is a plus if the audience would have possitive notions of the peice. And compliments are always nice =]. I am not saying the only reason to write is for other people. Some people write for themselves. To have that thought exist tangably, to exist in reality in its own way. I suppose i agree with that too.
Some of my writing is for myself, like notes to remember. Some is for others, to be praised like school work. Some is written with the intent of others being able to feel a certain emotion, to imprint on a reader in some way. Some times its a game of Mr. Destiney. I write for pleasure and work. But sometimes that turn work into something bearable. When it comes to writing my ideas compare and contrast with themself consantly. Is this the messege i want? Is this how i want it worded? Will they like it? Will this impress them? Do i like it? There is so much thought that goes into writing yet there are so many great peices that have no deep thought at all.
I write because i choose to, and when i am asked to. I write with pens and key boards. I write with images and emotions. This is why i write.
P.s-Title, Donnie Darko. Watch It.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
AP Blogging?
AP compostition and language, a class to shape your writing, create essays worthy of college and blog of course.
For senior year the feeling of being a high school student is slowly shrinking away. Majority of the classes on my scheduel are college courses anyway and with only two months to submit college applications for early admission i cannot help but feel a little rushed...The only savior from actual classes this term is Marching Band. I play the clarinet and wear my funny big hat rather proudly. All of my friends I met through marching band. I came to school here (MN) sophomore year and since there was no band for non-freshmen only one option remained...and a teacher who really would not take no for answer and BAM i am a member of the "marching machine". Marching has now become a big part of my life, our first trip to Northwestern comming up this friday (first week of school) is enough of a relaxer to get over the fact that school is actually in session.
On a major change of topic, last night i was not sulking about a first night of homework (well maybe a little) i was getting ready to see Wicked at the Orpheum. It was really quite amazing. The minute the pit stuck up the oveture and the dragons head swayed from side to side emmiting steam i was enthralled. The music was amazing and though the lovely Guhlinda added an extremely lovable and funny character i couldn't help but be struck by how trajic the story actualy was. The forshadowing had me laughing at the relevance to the story we know from the original movie and also feel nothing but sad for the poor Alphaba and her feeble hope to be excepted, which ultimately the viewer knows how the downfall will happen (as the play does apply the original movie's outcome, though twists some key characters and adds background story that was not hinted in the movie at all). It was amazing. With one of the opening lines being "Are people born wicked or is wickedness thrust upon them?" It is a story of tragety, love, friendship and so much more.
Class is now over, until next time.
For senior year the feeling of being a high school student is slowly shrinking away. Majority of the classes on my scheduel are college courses anyway and with only two months to submit college applications for early admission i cannot help but feel a little rushed...The only savior from actual classes this term is Marching Band. I play the clarinet and wear my funny big hat rather proudly. All of my friends I met through marching band. I came to school here (MN) sophomore year and since there was no band for non-freshmen only one option remained...and a teacher who really would not take no for answer and BAM i am a member of the "marching machine". Marching has now become a big part of my life, our first trip to Northwestern comming up this friday (first week of school) is enough of a relaxer to get over the fact that school is actually in session.
On a major change of topic, last night i was not sulking about a first night of homework (well maybe a little) i was getting ready to see Wicked at the Orpheum. It was really quite amazing. The minute the pit stuck up the oveture and the dragons head swayed from side to side emmiting steam i was enthralled. The music was amazing and though the lovely Guhlinda added an extremely lovable and funny character i couldn't help but be struck by how trajic the story actualy was. The forshadowing had me laughing at the relevance to the story we know from the original movie and also feel nothing but sad for the poor Alphaba and her feeble hope to be excepted, which ultimately the viewer knows how the downfall will happen (as the play does apply the original movie's outcome, though twists some key characters and adds background story that was not hinted in the movie at all). It was amazing. With one of the opening lines being "Are people born wicked or is wickedness thrust upon them?" It is a story of tragety, love, friendship and so much more.
Class is now over, until next time.
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