Tuesday, December 7, 2010


When asked to pick a word for an assignmnet, i thought, well pick one of my favorite, plethora. Then i got the assignment and realized...not plethora. Pick a word and come up with as many sysnonyms as possible. This is a sample of ten words from the list i created. These are words  i beleive are sysnomatic...synonymic? with tmy chosen word Annoy. (not in order of thought)

1. Vex
Vex is a verb that means to irritate, provoke, trouble. to disturb by motion, tostir up.  I had made it a note to remember this word from middle school vocabulary and has helped me win numerous games of hangman. It sprouts from the early 15 centry Middle French verb, vexer which translates to "to attack, harras, trouble."

2. Perturb
Perturb is a verb, suprise. It means to distube or disquiet the mind. Its probably from 14 c old french, steming from purterber which is from the latin word perturbare meaning to confuse, disoder or disturb.

3. Prod
Prod as a verb is the act of poking or jabbing with something pointed. Prodding can mean to arouse or incite as if by poking. Also nag or goad. Prod probably came as a varriation of the Middle English word brodden meaning to goad.

4. Irk
Noun, just kidding VERB meaning to irritate, annoy or exasperate. Old word hailing from 1300-50 Middle English originally seen as Irken, to grow tired. I find it personaly humurous because in an old cartoon i used to watch, Invader Zim, his species were Irken from planet Irk. It was very fitting for the tenactious yet unfortunate invader. As human being still roam the earth freely its clear he has not accomplished his mission.

5. Pester
I'll give you three guesses on its part of speech...got it? i hope so. It is a verb meaning to bother persistantly with petty annoyance. Or maybe even possibly mean to overcrowd. Also may relate to the Middle french word empester meanint to place in an embarrassing situation. It seems the french have a lot of ways to say annoying...

6. Peeve
V-v-v-v-verb. To render peevish, annoy. 1905-10 Americanism. Pet peeves anyone? Mine includes driving with the window down on the highway, too loud and way obnoxious.

7. frustrate
drum roll please.ddadadadadaddadadaaa Verb! Changing it up here, it means to make plans or efforts (or things of the like) worthless or of no avail. To dissapoint, thwart, hinder or prevent. Its 1450 late middle english.

8. bother
Verrrrrrrrrrrrb. To gove trouble to, to annoy, pester, confuse or bewilder. Middle english again.

9. irritate
Verbbbbbbb. To excite to impatients or anger. Latin irratare-excite provoke.

10. harass
Ver, to disturb persistantly, torment, bother continually, harry (not as is potter by the way). Origin is french or middle french from the ver harasser.

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