Yep, this is gonna be a holiday blog. I promise to try not to be overtly boring or too Dear Blosh-ish. Its just barely December, and while i was seriously lacking the seasonal spirit, today i found it again. I just finished watching the Polar Express. This has probably become my all time favorite Christmas movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it. Seriously, right now. I won't even hold it against you if you leave this page right now and use some illegal source on the Internet that is streaming this bundle of holiday joy.
My lacking of holiday spirit was around the days of our first snow storm and the melting thereof (I'm not sure if that's the correct grammatical approach of the word thereof or is it there of? there-of? ..but i digress). And then i began to get the fear that, what if its not gonna be a White Christmas? You know, sleigh bells ringing and children playing and stuff? That's the one. Pfft Stupid. It started snowing this afternoon, and still is. I would know, i was just outside. At 10 o'clock. I happened to flip some outside lights on and saw that, yep still snowing. And then before i descended to the lonesome semi-basement (Its ground level on one side) to hop on the computer i realized the sign that i put up (half-ass-ily...can i use profanity?) was still lieing flat from when it fell over...probably moments after i put it up. It was red and in white letters proclaimed "Winter Wonderland". I rushed to the coat closet and dawned a jacket, a scarf and some boots. And then when i made the discovery that all the gloves i owned were actually novelty mittens (a pair of meese (mooses) and one pair of Canada Olympic mittens) i had to pull the tags off a pair of brand new water proof gloves. I opened the from door and was greeted with a gust of cold air. I left the door semi-open because of the instant new phobia of being locked out and then explaing to my parents the silly reason. I hopped over to where i assumed the sign was and started digging. I finally found. And, in uffish thought i stood, came to the conclusion that it was freaking cold out. There was no way that this sign was going into the grownd. So i tried anyway, duh, and was unssuccesful.
At this point i i thought, defeat. Just claim defeat. But alas at the end of my driveway was a snow pile tall enough. Never have I wanted a sled more in my life (Now at this point your thinking...wait, what? since when were you ever talking about sleds? Well stop being one of those who assume that people are just not inteligent and finish the sentence or next couple of sentences and give the writer the benefit of the doubt *end rant*). My driveway happens to be a monster of a hill, and its not a long driveway either. And by monster of a hill i mean steep. Steep like that if you try to back out at full speed you'll probably destroy your bumper, or like watching the Pirate (My step dad, he has a fake leg, but that will be another post or not, i don't wanna use real names on here) try to put his car into the garage on the most iciest day in my life, was just hilarious, steep as in when my dog ran out on that same icy day, we almost lost her to the bottom of the hill. I would have loved to sled down this hill to get to the snow pile. But no i walked and then stuck it in so it hit the harder snow nearer the bottom. On my back inside i decided to take a detour, and took a couple steps into my front yard and then fell onto my back. I stared up at the sky as snow fell lightly around me, tickling my face and causing some serious discomfort to my eyes. I started waving my arms and legs got up and headed back inside. (And for those who don't get the implication their, i made a snow angel).
My jeans are still damp.
Lets see, so i decided to start decorating, I'll be trying to get the tree up and done tomorrow. To my dismay when i went to the back room for Christmas boxes only about to of the six there were decorations. The rest were gifts. My mom likes to buy gifts in bulk. Yup, gifts in bulk, not food like other mothers, presents. I only have to actually go shopping for half of my friends, otherwise my storage room is like a Marshals store. Anyhow, this means that the rest of the Christmas stuff is in the garage. Which means box splunking. Which i haven't done since the great migration of this clan from Maine to Minn 3 1/2 years prior. Joy.
SO wishing everyone a happy snow fall and safe driving, because I'm guessing like half of the population in the area will at some point end up in a ditch or in an up-close-and-personal situation with another car. Enjoy.
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