Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Noam Chompksi did I get this right?

Noam Chompski is above my level of understanding, i beleive or maybe he is above my level of interest, either way both hindered my ability to comprehend all the information that was given to me from the video on the projector. The satement that i was able to derive from the interviews is that the media is in control of our information and thus can manipulate us and how we think. This was a contraversal topic, the movie pointed out, though i honestly cannot beleive why. Of course i beleive the media controls the information we receive. Flip on the television or open a magazine or web page, this is all media.  This is where i will get my news on the minors safe retreival, what the democrats and republicans did wrong and what Lady Gaga wore to any given public place. Is it possible that there is something big going on in the otherside of the world that i have no knowledge about? Of course! And it is entirely reasonable for this to be happening. However i am not quite as upset by this. If i was really interested I like to beleive I could delve deeper and find the information I am looking for. I do not expect the media to tell me everything. The media will express popular and probably biased views. This is how it works. The film indicated that people in the media are given countless, or a least quite a lot of information every day. They must decide what is importat and what they will put out and how they will phrase it. This presents bias of course, anyone could come o that conclusion.

Chompkins also talked about consession (note that my spelling of the actual word may be completely wrong and i expect it is) is also a way of media manipulation. This is the fact that media, like television speakers and word writers are only given a limited space, whether in air time or magazine space. This may not be enough time to get the point across that was intended. And because there is not enough time to relay notions with depth they instead end up using that valuble time to vomit up statements and facts that every one already understands or is aware of. This i beleive is true, but i beleive it may be overzelous to call this outright manipulation, there is only a certain amount of time or space avalabe, you do with it what you can. Reporters are of course another story. Any one who watches the Colbert Report like i do understand the difficulties of getting a point across when an interviewer is trying to make their own poit as well.

Here is a blogger who athinks there is media manipulation through people journalists trying to get more readers by doing only popular stories, stories that will attract readers. Oddly enough his name is Foremski...Chompksi, get it? Is this a new form of Media Manipulation?

1 comment:

  1. Kamuran you sound wayy more intellegent when you type than when you talk. Don't even contradict me, its true. XP Except Im pretty sure you spelled this guy's name wrong. isn't it Chompski or Chompsky? lol. Its a good thing I have an hour and a half to type this I don't really know what I am talking about. I have the computer you used! The last person to log on was ParadKam000 :) Bye bye
