Monday, January 3, 2011

Winter Apocolypse, Backup, Dexter...and lets just throw in Happy New Year since this title is already obnoxious.

The new year brings with it the closing of the semester, already annoying people turned motivational speakers (i.e those resolutioners forcing their preppy, optimistic goal setting views unto their pals), award shows and a plethora of other things. Unfortunately it also tosses the weight of de-decorating onto my shoulders and with my overzealous enthusiasm that means I'll striking every room in the house. Lovely. Christmas brought with it a beautiful bounty of presents. A portable sudoku game may ween me off my pocket tetris, but i have my doubts.  Now, I'm not sure how to order what i want to say exactly because everything sort of intermingles, I'll try chronological i suppose. With me and The Pirate (step dad) in accordance with the lets-not-be-on-the-road-driving-to-Canada-on-Christmas-eve plan, the family and i stayed home. On Christmas day i unwrapped a new computer and the third season of Dexter, do to our own laziness our plan to see a movie did not fall through. The next day we went to see the movie True Grit (review to be posted later). After hearing about the storm that was suppose to befall our humble abode on Friday we decided to pack it up and leave on Thursday.

That was a complete bust. After driving half way to Fargo through the rain (that's a good 2 hours i think, but i suck at time estimations) there was a smooth transition from rainy-day to winder wonderland flurries. Strangest thing though, one second rain, next snow. Unfortunately our driving and the weather conditions were not inverse. The further we drove the worse it got. We drove until there was no horizon, not knowing where the snow covered ground stopped and where the snow fill air and sky began. We drove through white for another good hour passing cars left and right in awkward position in the snow banks on either side of the road. We had earlier decided to listen to the static-y and ancient AM station in order to get weather report. As we drove slowly and continued to pass nothing but snow-banked cars the radio told us horror stories of people trapped for up to 5 hours with rescue unable to get to them. Finally we started hearing the closing of major highways, including the one that would take us to Canada. We decided to turn around at the next exit, which was a risk in itself with all of the snow. After thirty minutes of back-tracking we pulled in into the only big town for another hour, it was night by then and it just added to the eerie  and bleak look. I stepped out of the car into a nearly empty Wal*Mart parking lot and with the wind still blowing and the snow still falling hard, i decided if the world were to end in snow, it would like like this. After driving and seeing nothing else but stranded cars and the small bit of road that was not covered in snow (everything else was painted in the same shade of white) it seemed like maybe this in fact was the snow Apocalypse.

Alas it was not, just a wasted 5ish hours of driving. Well before i left Kayla (her blog) asked if we could hang out and watch that third season of Dexter (previously mentioned). And now that was home we decided to do just that. Another friend joined us after she caught up to the episode we were (in the mean time we took a break and had dinner and then went to the mall). We watched it into the new years and did our toasting while Michael C. Hall's soothing voice monoluging Dexter's thoughts as he said his wedding vows. My awesome mom had also purchased the fourth season for me upon its going on sale and we watched the first episode of that as well.

As far as my new computer goes, its pretty cool and its speed is a God send compared to its predecessor. Unfortunately i need to hook up my old computer in order to transfer my music files and videos because i need to get a bigger pendrive (or flash drive, whatever people call it now). I need to back up my purchased files from itunes as well as my not so purchased songs.

I will conclude this blog with a quote, an INSPIRATIONAL quote. No, I'm totally kidding but it is rather epic.

Miguel Prado:  I accept you. I accept you Dexter like a brother.
Dexter Morgan: I killed my brother...I killed yours too.

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